History. The bells in the tower at Belton church date back to the 17th and 18th century when the first three bells were installed, these were re-tuned and re-hung in 1991. A further bell was added in 1833 with the last two bells to complete the peel of six added in the 1990’s, these bells were made by the well known and internationally renowned John Taylor Bell Foundry, based locally in Loughborough.
The ropes and ringing platform used to be a floor higher than at present, level with the village clock, and then it was moved down to balcony level, making it less of a walk for the ringers! We welcome visiting ringers to the church, who are often treated to tea and cakes, so please do get in touch if you would like to arrange a ringing outing.
Practice – and please come and join us!

We practice our bellringing at Belton on the second Thursday in the month, from 7:45 to 9:00 PM and can often be heard through the village as we ring at special events as well as weddings and funerals. Other practices are at Hathern on other Thursdays, Kegworth on Wednesdays and Diseworth on Mondays.
In past years we had a good team of ringers who joined in, but recently this has diminished somewhat, so if you are interested in joining us, then please do get in touch with Valerie Baxter on 07968 118849, or by using the contact form on this site. Val is a member of the Loughborough District Guild of Church Bell Ringers.
Bellringing takes a while to learn to do, but we are happy to teach anyone who has enthusiasm (and a little energy!). We are also of course keen to welcome lapsed ringers, particularly those in our village and we hope to be able to continue the art of bellringing in our village for many years to come.